Rockefeller Wealth Management Portal

Rockefeller Wealth Portal

my Roles: TEAM MANAGEMENT / Research / UI Design Information Architect / Creative direction

Rockefeller Capital set out to create a new wealth management division catering to the worlds 1% richest individuals. Their mission was to create a design driven next-gen wealth management platform utilizing A.I. and predictive analysis to provide bespoke tailored solutions to their clientele.  

Discovery Phase
I started the design journey by working directly with  executive and advisor teams to thoroughly understand,  validate, and design a stream lined service journey  that provided exceptional client/advisor engagement  and personalization.
"Existing customers switching to competitors for wealth management, primarily self-directed brokerage firms resulted in over 2 Billion in net outflows YTD. We seek to capture and retain the worlds wealthiest individuals through highly tailored offerings and strategic advice.”
Joseph Ferlisi
The Task at hand
How might we create a design driven best in class next-gen mobile and web based wealth management platform utilizing A.i. to proactively monitor client portfolios and provide actionable strategies to our clients.
Through stakeholder interviews I gained an understanding of in-house capabilities, client mental models and 3rd party eco-system integration needs. I then created journey maps, service blue prints and personas.
I defined user task flows, created low fidelity wireframes and art of possible concepts to work out the basic user experience of the product and strengthen stakeholder buyin.
Prototyping a tool
Over multiple iterations I created over 350+ mid-fidelity wireframes and 6 prototypes, testing with various groups to optimize and refine the UI and UX.
An early inVision prototype demonstrating the workflow
Using an iterative design process, numerous rounds of wireframes, prototypes, user testing, and tech exploration helped to refine the finalized design and product.
Style Guide
In tandem with building out the application, design choices were standardized and documented in a style guide.
Bringing it all together.


Quantifiable analytics helped us to measure the success of the product.


Quantifiable analytics helped us to measure the success of the product.

“The firm allows advisors to offer a bespoke experience for their clients, providing access to unique investment solutions and the ability to operate with significantly more control and freedom than is possible at a big brokerage firm”